eCove Software > SOLUTIONS > For Special Education  > SPECIAL EDUCATION EDITION


Includes computer and handheld license plus Reporter login

Whether an IEP or RTI, the objective and easy to collect eCOVE data makes qualifying students for special education services and monitoring progress clear and concise. Quickly gather data for reports, feedback to teachers and students, and communication with parents.
  • Quick and clear reports with 32 SpEd tools
  • New checklist and scale tools and templates
  • Compare target student behavior with peers
  • Tools to track any observable behavior
  • Also for iPad / iPhone / Android - CLICK HERE for details

Annual subscription is $99 per observer/Reporter user. Each annual subscription for an eCOVE Edition includes the computer license and one syncing license for an iPad / iPhone / Android PLUS a login to the eCOVE Reporter. Use of the Reporter is optional and requires the district to upload the necessary set-up files. There is a $250 one-time setup fee for the district only if Reporter server is used.

The following tools are included in the SPECIAL EDUCATION EDITION.

Affective Practices

The AFFECTIVE PRACTICES Tool will record the judgment of the observer in items related to affective practices by the... more

Aggression Level-Self

The AGGRESSION LEVEL-SELF Tool will track the level of physical aggression exhibited by a student directed at either self or... more

Aide-Student Engagement

The AIDE-STUDENT ENGAGEMENT Tool will track the amount of time an aide spends with each individual student. Click on... more

Assistant Effect

The ASSISTANT EFFECT Tool will track the difference in student behavior when with and without an assistant.This tool is used... more

Autism Checklist

The AUTISM CHECKLIST Tool will record items related to the diagnostic criteria for autistic disorder.Click Yes or No as... more

Called On

The CALLED ON Tool will track which students are called by the teacher as volunteer or singled out combined.... more

Class Environment

The CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT Tool will record items related to the activities and facilities as noted by the observer.Click Yes... more

Class Instruction

The CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION Tool will record the judgment of the observer in items related to classroom instruction. Move the... more

Communication Strategy

The COMMUNICATION STRATEGY tool will track the communication strategy used by an individual when interacting with others.Click the appropriate button... more

Compulsive Behavior

The COMPULSIVE BEHAVIOR Tool will track verbal and non-verbal compulsive behavior.Identify behavior as either isolated, repetitive - pattern, or repetitive... more

Discipline Type

The DISCIPLINE TYPE Tool will track the types of disciplinary responses by the teacher.This tool is not tracking the misbehavior... more

Gross Motor-Age Appropriate

The GROSS MOTOR Tool will track gross motor movements of major body parts as Age Appropriate and Not Appropriate.A single... more

Initiate - Respond

The INITIATE/RESPOND Tool will track the interaction pattern between teacher and student according to who initiates the communication.Look at the... more

Interruptions By Student

The INTERRUPTIONS BY STUDENT Tool will track the verbal and physical interruptions to others by the student.Generally, do not count... more

On Task - Familiar

The ON TASK - FAMILIAR Tool will track the on and off task behavior when engaged with a familiar or... more

Peer Interaction

The PEER INTERACTION Tool will track the interaction between a target student and other students during play.Observe the target... more

Praise Rate

The PRAISE RATE Tool will track the rate of praise statements per minute for each of the different types.Click each... more

Praise Types

The PRAISE-TYPES Tool will track what is praised by the teacher in interactions with students.Listen to teacher/student interaction for statements... more


The PROMPT-ASSIST Tool will track the effectiveness of verbal and physical prompts and assistance.This tool is used with a student... more

Question Type Asked

The QUESTION TYPE ASKED Tool will track the type of content related questions asked by the teacher or answered... more

Rate of Disruptions

The RATE OF DISRUPTIONS Tool WILL track the rate per minute of disruptive behavior by student(s).Use this tool to track... more

Reference to Rules

The REFERENCE TO RULES Tool will track the number of times the teacher refers to classroom, school, or district rules... more

Repeat Directions

The REPEAT DIRECTIONS Tool will document the number of times directions are repeated by the teacher during an activity.Click 'New... more

Response to Misbehavior

The RESPONSE TO MISBEHAVIOR Tool will track the type of teacher reaction to negative behavior by students.Look to the teacher’s... more

Routine Review

The ROUTINE REVIEW Tool will track the amount of time spent in introducing, reviewing, and debriefing a classroom routine.This tool... more

Sound Level

The SOUND LEVEL Tool will track the level of sound in a classroom as Acceptable or Excessive.This tool must be... more

Talking Out of Turn

The TALKING OUT OF TURN Tool will track the teachers response to students calling out an answer without being called... more

Teacher Attention SpEd

The TEACHER ATTENTION SPED Tool will compare the behavior of a target student with a typical student in the same... more

Time on Task

The TIME ON TASK Tool will track the percent of time an individual student is on and off task.Gather data... more

Time On Task-Class

The TIME ON TASK-CLASS Tool will track the percent of time the full class is on task. Check the... more

Voice Pitch

The VOICE PITCH Tool will track the pitch of the teacher or student voice during the observation.Use with the Interval... more

Volunteer-Aide Time Use

The VOLUNTEER-AIDE TIME USE Tool will track the percent of time volunteers or aides are productively and independently engaged during... more
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Single License: $99.00

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