eCove Software > SOLUTIONS > For Administrators & Teacher Coaches  > ADMINISTRATORS EDITION


Includes computer and handheld license plus Reporter login

School administrators throughout the country use the data from eCOVE observations to monitor professional development efforts, judge the effectiveness of a new curriculum or behavior plan, or objectively evaluate teacher performance. The data is also very useful in communication with parents about student behavior.
  • Easy and powerful data collection with 32 tools
  • Now with checklist and scale for walk-throughs
  • Clear reports of behavior over time
  • Make decisions based on objective data
  • Upload data to eCOVE Reporter to view aggregate district data
  • Also for iPad / iPhone / Android - CLICK HERE for details
Annual subscription is $99 per observer/Reporter user. Each annual subscription for an eCOVE Edition includes the computer license and one syncing license for an iPad / iPhone / Android PLUS a login to the eCOVE Reporter. Use of the Reporter is optional and requires the district to upload the necessary set-up files. There is a $250 one-time setup fee for the district only if the Reporter server is used.

The following tools are included in the ADMINISTRATORS EDITION.


The BLOOMS-REVISED Tool will track the level of question asked or answered by either the teacher or student, or to... more

Class Learning Time

The CLASS LEARNING TIME Tool will gather data on the amount of learning and non-learning time in a part or... more

Classroom Environment

The CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT Tool will record items related to the activities and facilities as noted by the observer. This data... more

Classroom Instruction

The CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION Tool will record the judgment of the observer in items related to classroom instruction.This data is valid... more

Compliance With Directions

The COMPLIANCE WITH DIRECTIONS Tool will track the response by an individual to a direction by another. In most... more

Directions Focus Counter

The DIRECTIONS FOCUS COUNTER Tool will gather counter data on the distribution of directions, instruction, or other forms of attention... more

Discipline Type

The DISCIPLINE TYPE Tool will track the types of disciplinary responses by the teacher.This tool is not tracking the misbehavior... more

Distribution of Time

The DISTRIBUTION OF TIME Tool will gather data on how the teacher organizes and uses time throughout a lesson.A significant... more

Divergent or Non-Divergent

The DIVERGENT / NON-DIVERGENT Tool will track the number of divergent and non-divergent questions asked or answered by teacher and/or... more

Divergent Question Type

The DIVERGENT QUESTION TYPE Tool will track the six types of divergent questions asked or answered by teachers or students.The... more

Hand Raised

The HAND RAISED Tool will track the number of student hands raised in response to a teacher question. Click... more

High Yield Strategies

The HIGH YIELD STRATEGIES Tool will record the presence of ten High Yield Teaching Strategies during the walk-through observation.... more

Individual-Group-Class Timer

The INDIVIDUAL/ GROUP/ CLASS TIMER Tool will track the amount of attention directed to the whole class, identified group, individual.Look... more

Interruptions By Student

The INTERRUPTIONS BY STUDENT Tool will track the verbal and physical interruptions to others by the student.Generally, do not count... more

Non-verbal Negative

The NON-VERBAL NEGATIVE Tool will track the negative non-verbal behavior of an individual or a group.The focus of the observation... more

Non-verbal Positive

The NON-VERBAL POSITIVE Tool will track the positive non-verbal behaviors of teachers and/or students, as individuals or as a group.The... more

On Task Coding

The ON TASK CODING Tool will gather data on the on- and off-task behavior of an individual in five specific... more

Positive or Negative

The POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE Tool will track the positive, negative, and neutral statements or actions by an individual or a... more

Praise Types

The PRAISE-TYPES Tool will track what is praised by the teacher in interactions with students.Listen to teacher/student interaction for statements... more

Question Follow-Up

The QUESTION FOLLOW-UP Tool will track questions asked by the teacher and teacher follow-up to a student answer.Tool can be... more

Question Type Asked

The QUESTION TYPE ASKED Tool will track the type of content related questions asked by the teacher or answered by... more

Response to Misbehavior

The RESPONSE TO MISBEHAVIOR Tool will track the type of teacher reaction to negative behavior by students.Look to the teacher’s... more

Speaker In Discussion

The SPEAKER IN DISCUSSION Tool will track the amount of time each individual in the group is engaged in... more

Student Question Type

The STUDENT QUESTION TYPE Tool will track the type of questions asked by students.Track questions asked of the teacher by... more

Talking Out of Turn

The TALKING OUT OF TURN Tool will track the teachers response to students calling out an answer without being called... more

Teacher Engagement

The TEACHER ENGAGEMENT Tool will record the observer’s judgment of the teacher’s level of engagement with students. Move the... more

Teacher Talk

The TEACHER TALK Tool will track the talking done by the teacher, individual student, group discussion, and no-talk.Individual student data... more

Time on Task

The TIME ON TASK Tool will track the percent of time an individual student is on and off task.Gather data... more

Time On Task-Class

The TIME ON TASK-CLASS Tool will track the percent of time the full class is on task.Check the Interval Reminder... more

Verbal or Physical Tics

The VERBAL OR PHYSICAL TICS Tool will track the rate per minute of verbal or physical tics.Click the appropriate button... more

Wait Time-Question

The WAIT TIME-QUESTION Tool will track the wait time between teacher question and either a teacher answer/clue or a student... more
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Single License: $99.00

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