eCOVE Observer

Gather data you can trust

Walkthroughs and In-Depth Observations

Standards based teacher evaluation

eCOVE Reporter

View District-Wide classroom observation data

Graphic aggregate data reports

Web based - available anywhere

Plan of Action

Professional Development based on objective classroom data

Track implementation and effectiveness

Save money and time

A Total Solution

From objective in-class observation data to targeted professional development, eCOVE provides the best Total Solution

eCOVE is the leading provider of data you can trust

eCOVE provides effective and easy to use tools for collecting objective data on teaching practices and student behaviors, along with the ability to view the aggregated data for district-wide analysis.

eCOVE can track any observable behaviors to support sound decision-making for professional development and teacher quality assessment.

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Observation Software
eCOVE Observer
eCOVE Reporter
eCOVE Professional Development
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