Administrator Add-On Toolset (FREE)

This set of 6 tools includes the tools that are in the Administrator Edition, but are not in the General Edition. If you own the General Edition and would like to add these new administrator tools to your Edition, this is the right toolset.

This toolset can be added to any eCOVE advanced Edition, v 2.6 and higher.

Email for a free toolset license key.

The following tools are included in the Administrator Add-On Toolset (FREE).


The BLOOMS-REVISED Tool will track the level of question asked or answered by either the teacher or student, or to... more

Directions Focus Counter

The DIRECTIONS FOCUS COUNTER Tool will gather counter data on the distribution of directions, instruction, or other forms of attention... more

Individual-Group-Class Timer

The INDIVIDUAL/ GROUP/ CLASS TIMER Tool will track the amount of attention directed to the whole class, identified group, individual.Look... more

Question Follow-Up

The QUESTION FOLLOW-UP Tool will track questions asked by the teacher and teacher follow-up to a student answer.Tool can be... more

Time On Task-Class

The TIME ON TASK-CLASS Tool will track the percent of time the full class is on task.Check the Interval Reminder... more
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