The following tools are included in the GENERAL EDITION.
The AUDIENCE EYE CONTACT Tool will track the speakers focus of attention during a presentation.Be sure you are in a... more
The BLOOMS TAXONOMY Tool will track the cognitive level of questions asked or answered by either the teacher or student(s).It's... more
The BLOOMS-REVISED Tool will track the level of question asked or answered by either the teacher or student, or... more
The CLASS LEARNING TIME Tool will gather data on the amount of learning and non-learning time in a part or... more
The CLASS ORGANIZATION TIMER Tool will track the amount of time the class is in each class organization pattern. Can... more
The CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT Tool will record items related to the activities and facilities as noted by the observer. Click... more
The CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION Tool will record the judgment of the observer in items related to classroom instruction. Move the... more
The COMMUNICATION STRATEGY tool will track the communication strategy used by an individual when interacting with others.Click the appropriate button... more
The COMPLIANCE WITH DIRECTIONS Tool will track the response by an individual to a direction by another.In most cases count... more
The CONTENT QUESTIONS Tool will track the relevance of questions to the content being taught and/or learned.Using lesson plans as... more
The DIRECTIONS FOCUS COUNTER Tool will gather counter data on the distribution of directions, instruction, or other forms of... more
The DISCIPLINE TYPE Tool will track the types of disciplinary responses by the teacher.This tool is not tracking the misbehavior... more
The DISTRIBUTION OF TIME Tool will gather data on how the teacher organizes and uses time throughout a lesson.A significant... more
The DIVERGENT / NON-DIVERGENT Tool will track the number of divergent and non-divergent questions asked or answered by teacher and/or... more
The DIVERGENT QUESTION TYPE Tool will track the six types of divergent questions asked or answered by teachers or students.The... more
The HAND RAISED Tool will track the number of student hands raised in response to a teacher question. Click... more
The HIGH YIELD STRATEGIES Tool will record the presence of ten High Yield Teaching Strategies during the walk-through observation.... more
The INDIVIDUAL/ GROUP/ CLASS TIMER Tool will track the amount of attention directed to the whole class, identified group,... more
The INTERRUPTIONS BY STUDENT Tool will track the verbal and physical interruptions to others by the student.Generally, do not count... more
The LEARNING STYLES Tool will track the amount of time students are engaged in activities designed for individual learning styles.... more
The NON-VERBAL NEGATIVE Tool will track the negative non-verbal behavior of an individual or a group.The focus of the observation... more
The NON-VERBAL POSITIVE Tool will track the positive non-verbal behaviors of teachers and/or students, as individuals or as a group.The... more
The ON TASK CODING Tool will gather data on the on- and off-task behavior of an individual in five specific... more
The PLEASE OR THANKS Tool will track the occurrence of Please and Thank You type courtesy responses and inappropriate statements.Click... more
The POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE Tool will track the positive, negative, and neutral statements or actions by an individual or a... more
The PRAISE RATE Tool will track the rate of praise statements per minute for each of the different types.Click each... more
The PRAISE-TYPES Tool will track what is praised by the teacher in interactions with students.Listen to teacher/student interaction for statements... more
The QUESTION COMPLEXITY tool will track the complexity of a question in terms of the number of distinct responses required... more
The QUESTION TYPE ASKED Tool will track the type of content related questions asked by the teacher or answered by... more
The QUESTIONING RATE Tool will track the total number and rate of questions asked per minute by teachers and/or students.Click... more
The RATE OF SPEECH Tool will gather data on the number of words and sentences spoken per minute by the... more
The READING TIME Tool will gather data on the amount of time spent reading by students in their classroom.Click to... more
The REPEAT DIRECTIONS Tool will document the number of times directions are repeated by the teacher during an activity.Click 'New... more
The RESPONSE TO MISBEHAVIOR Tool will track the type of teacher reaction to negative behavior by students.Look to the teachers... more
The SPEAKER IN DISCUSSION Tool will track the amount of time each individual in the group is engaged in... more
The STUDENT QUESTION TYPE Tool will track the type of questions asked by students.Track questions asked of the teacher by... more
The STUDENT RESPONSE QUALITY Tool will record the quality of the student's response to a teacher's question.Click the appropriate button... more
The STUDENT RESPONSE TYPE Tool will track source of responses by individual and groups of students.Record data as each question... more
The TALKING OUT OF TURN Tool will track the teachers response to students calling out an answer without being called... more
The TEACHER ENGAGEMENT Tool will record the observers judgment of the teachers level of engagement with students. Move the... more
The TEACHER TALK Tool will track the talking done by the teacher, individual student, group discussion, and no-talk.Individual student data... more
The TEACHER TIME USE tool will track how time is used by the teacher during a class period.Individual, Small Group,... more
The TEACHING PROCESS Tool will gather data on how the teacher uses time in the act of instructing.'Info Giving' is... more
The TIME ON TASK Tool will track the percent of time an individual student is on and off task.Gather data... more
The VERBAL OR PHYSICAL TICS Tool will track the rate per minute of verbal or physical tics.Click the appropriate button... more
The WAIT TIME-QUESTION Tool will track the wait time between teacher question and either a teacher answer/clue or a student... more